Powerful Cloud Hosting with Open Source Freedom
Deploy, manage, and scale your web apps.
Self-host, or host affordably with us.
Your Sites, Your WayDisco supports popular languages and frameworks like Node, Python and Rust, with seamless GitHub integration for instant deploys. And with our Open Source core and CLI, you're never locked in. |
Ship FasterSay goodbye to configuration hell – Disco handles the complexity, so you can focus on building great apps. Web deployment can be easier and much faster than you think. |
Predictable Low PricingSave 10x on your hosting bill by switching to Disco. Deploy multiple projects to the same server at no additional cost. No more surprise "surge" bills or hidden fees. When did monthly spending caps become un-cool? |
Get started
Disco lets you quickly deploy web apps (static, backend, etc.) to virtual cloud servers or Raspberry Pis, and manage them using an intuitive command line tool.
Unlike commercial managed platforms, it's easy to host multiple apps on a single machine. Pay per server, not per project – perfect for hobby sites and "prod" environments alike.
# install the disco CLI locally
curl https://cli-assets.letsdisco.dev/install.sh | sh
# initialize a server or Raspberry Pi
disco init root@server.example.com
# connect your github account
disco github:apps:add
# deploy your project
disco projects:add \
--name blog \
--github zoe/blog \
--domain blog.example.com
# make changes, then push to deploy!
git add . && git commit -m "fix typo" && git push
Turn it up to 11 (servers)
Disco provides vertical and horizontal scaling out of the box: move projects to larger machines and deploy processes to fleets of servers from the command line.
Deploy from the terminal, or the web
Our CLI lets you manage environment variables, deploy PostgreSQL-backed projects, and invite others to collaborate with you.
We also have an intuitive web UI that lets you manage your servers and your projects and everything in between.
Two ways to Disco
Let us handle the infrastructure while you focus on building, or run Disco on your own infrastructure - use any server, even a Raspberry Pi from your home.